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Sidewinder Sticks vs Albie Snax?


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
Dec 25, 2020
Reaction score
Fylde Coast
Looking at buying the range of Sidewinder Sticks and accompanying hooks as they look useful and possibly longer casting? Any feedback from users or should I stick to the tried and tested Albie Snax? Cheers
Cheers John, I've considered the Gravity Sticks but unless I'm reading it wrong the Sidewinder Sticks are quite a bit bigger and heavier than the Albie and SG''s and that added 'presence' along with their built-in ratttle is what appealed to me for reef and wreck casting from an anchored boat.....anybody used them and got any feedback?
I had both the sidewinder and Albie Snax, I personally prefer the snax and they’ve caught me fish in the pearl colour. I’ve added the yellow/white colour this season but yet to try those. I moved the sidewinders on.
I guess I'll just have to buy both and find out! I was hoping to not keep buying yet more lures as collecting them becoming a sport/addiction all of its own:geek:
Caught on the Snax, but nothing on the sidewinder, if you buy the sidewinder glue the rattle in or it will disappear

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