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South East So Cold I Thought I Was In Norway!


I am the god of hell fire
Staff member
Sep 26, 2020
Reaction score
Cold, dam cold. The central heating is doing its best to keep the house at a comfy 30 degrees c.
It is, I have decided, since night fishing is currently not permitted, morning. 3.30 in the morning to be precise.
High tide is not till 8am and if one is to abide by the 'rules' one can not yet fish. Well not unless I walk a mile to the low tide line! So instead I tune into the coverage of the test match between India and Australia.

Ok, onto the fishing.
I made the long walk from my front door to the high tide line (All of 45 seconds) and just about set up and cast out before my fingers froze solid.
Now, to be honest I really was not expecting much given that the venue I was fishing is A) pretty much a summer Bass venue if there is a surf running and B) the mud and sand over which the incoming tide had flooded over had been exposed for a good 8 hours to sub zero temperatures'.
Knowing that the will to go back into the warmth of the house was stronger than the desire to catch a fish, I set up just the one rod and flicked out a size 2, 3 hook rig baited with frozen black lug.

A 15 minute soak and not a touch, so I rebaited and launched the next cast to the horizon.
15 minutes later and the same result. Nill. Nothing.
So back to flicking the bait to the gutter.
Nope, not even a sea rat.
Last cast and I again blasted the bait to the horizon but this time wound in around 10 yards every minute or so. The thinking being that I may entice a fish to bite if I dragged the bait past its nose! Alas not.
A very very very cold and fishless session promptly came to a swift end.
I retreated to the warmth of the house.

Report over!



-5 last night, your a brave man, you definitely get my respect for trying in them conditions.
Tight lines.
Fair play to you!!!! I woose out these days of its raining,windy or cold!
Need a good chance of cod to entice me out in those conditions. So wont be till late Feb/early March before I dust the rods down and start some plaice hunting.
Top effort. We've all been fishing on those days when you really know you should be indoors but just had to give it a go.
It’s tough out there Shirl.... I’ve been a few times with nothing worth reporting at all!! My only level of excitement was my first encounter of (what I now know) was a sea mouse... never seen one before, I thought it was an alien parasite!!!FE8E6A51-9D52-4D51-98B6-55CCDAA82AB4.jpeg