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Summer hooks for beach casting


New member
May 9, 2021
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Just wondered if I should change to smaller hooks in summer, from Koike Aberdeen Classic 4/0 - 2/0 to maybe 1/0, 1 or even 2, 4 or 6.
I usually have one rod set up with large hooks 2/0 to 4/0 and the other with size 4 for flatties and black bream.
For distance i like up and over clip pennel rig but for in close 30 to 50 yds i use the old fashioned wishbone rig give you options of 2 baits close in also on light gear its quite exciting
Just wondered if I should change to smaller hooks in summer, from Koike Aberdeen Classic 4/0 - 2/0 to maybe 1/0, 1 or even 2, 4 or 6.
Here you go mate.This is what's coming out just now on the Holderness Coast.Make your own mind up what size to use.
I can understand the thinking behind scaling down in summer, with clear water, high visibility and bright conditions, a large hook and heavy hooklink may be a bit too obvious! My concern would be the higher chances of a lighter trace spinning in the tide and tangle. When using 15lb amnesia, reeling in a sea ravaged bait, I have had traces spin and get terrible line twist. At least with amnesia, you can stretch and straighten these twists usually. The 30lb amnesia doesn’t twist up anywhere near as badly. When scratching in summer, fining down may increase bites, but rather than fine the gear down, I keep my 30lb clear amnesia traces and size 1 hooks on my 2 hook clipped down rigs for “general fishing” and 2/0-3/0 hooks on running traces or pulley pennel rigs for bass etc. I try to aim to fish tides at dawn or dusk or even night, where the lower light levels help negate the concerns of visibility somewhat. I try to avoid going too small in case I hook something bigger or with a bit of a fight in it as they could “spring out” or straighten leading to a loss. Unless I’m specifically targeting species such as soles with small baits, then I may use a size 2 or even a 4, if I was missing bites, but if I’m honest, I’ll probably stick to a size 1! This applies to bait fishing using ledgering tactics, using grippers/plain leads etc. I don’t tend to float fish etc as this tactic doesn’t suit my marks 95% of the time. So I couldn’t comment on these tactics.
go big or go home ? not a helpful.comment I know but usually use 4 or 5/0 pennels big baits ...after dark though most the time . find scratching in the day bit on the back foot as know round here anyway that decent fish feed in the dark ...or I should say feel confident coming in casting range in the dark
I downsized my hooks recently because all I was catching was small flounders
.I used size 6..all I got was a deep hooked small flounder.
On the Holderness coast in summer the fish are larger and more powerful mainly smooth hounds so i tend to use a stronger hook . The size of the hook depends on the bait i,m using. If i,m using half a peeler crab i like a Owner EBI in a 1/0 just to give a example..
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Each to their own! If I'm bait fishing it's 's a pennel of 6/0 vikings stuffed with up to 4 good lug, attached to a minimum of 40lb suffix zippy on a simple 3ft clip down paternoster tied with phone wire stops (get a big fish on and they will slide thus getting the lead up out of the way of snags, walls etc). Absolutely none of this 'saving the bank' bullocks! Go big or go home empty, I honestly care not and will happily take blanks rather than 'nuisance' fish. I've had bass to 9lb11oz so far this summer on a coast renowned for scratchers who baulk at using ten lug in a session whilst fishing 3 rods out of the boot of their car - I just do not get that approach! I've had my fill of hounds, rays, tope etc over the years and now do what suits me and suggest you should too as it would be boring if we all did the same. Enjoy your fishing, that's the key.

BTW I released that fish as I want lamb not mutton so I use what those doyens of RSA fishery management the Yanks call a 'slot size' of 45cm to 65cm for bass and codling that I want to eat - which isn't many as I prefer game and wildfowl to be honest

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