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South East Totally Ting'd out in the Thames


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2020
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
As soon as light permitted the digging started. The tide hit the boat at 8:45 and armed with unwashed squid and the 90 odd worms we'd dug we waited for the boat to float while setting up the rods.

A lovely little weather window permitted as to fish the 3 hours up to HT and one and a half down. Chosen mark, the Nore bank in 30 foot of water.

Hoping the that whiting would have thinned out by now I was hopeful of a codling or two and at least a good feed of dabs. Neither were to be as the whiting hit our baits relentlessly throughout the run of the tide, over slack and again on the ebb. With not another fishing boat to be seen we were also the only target for the seals, of which we had several around the boat.

The winners were my mates cats who had a dozen or so chunky whiting when we got in. For me, chicken curry!
As soon as light permitted the digging started. The tide hit the boat at 8:45 and armed with unwashed squid and the 90 odd worms we'd dug we waited for the boat to float while setting up the rods.

A lovely little weather window permitted as to fish the 3 hours up to HT and one and a half down. Chosen mark, the Nore bank in 30 foot of water.

Hoping the that whiting would have thinned out by now I was hopeful of a codling or two and at least a good feed of dabs. Neither were to be as the whiting hit our baits relentlessly throughout the run of the tide, over slack and again on the ebb. With not another fishing boat to be seen we were also the only target for the seals, of which we had several around the boat.

The winners were my mates cats who had a dozen or so chunky whiting when we got in. For me, chicken curry!
A bit unfortunate but not a blank.