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A load of gifted rods needing attention/refurb

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Umm! That's gone straight over my head chesilpete
Mate.... I am being a bit mean.
So heres what I think, in my opinion any money put into these rods is wasted.
BUT if emotionally they are important then do them up.
On every trip for the last decade a piece of fishing gear from my departed best friend comes with me.
If you decide not to do them up..... they will make good sticks to plant French beans up! 🫘
This Guy is wind up boys he asks lot questions still no pic of Rods there's been few like him on WSf lately

@Leepip, if you so desperate I'll try get round to pictures shortly, but what will add is debatable as members have already advised (as I knew already) that the itemised rods are not top notch and not worth spending lots of money on. For a few new semi-decent guides, they will however provide practice on rod repairs and allow me to find out what sort of rod/s I like and might prefer to invest bit of money on newer better rods. Any reels I buy will of course transfer. Thank you for your welcome.

P.S. Just cos I ask questions, doesn't mean anyone needs to pick-up/answer. You can just ignore me !!
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See what I mean !
If you so desperate I'll try get round to pictures shortly.
Post 42 for me wobert am afraid which is not want you want to hear I know but if it needs to be done for whatever reasons so be it and maybe you will get pleasure from doing and a interesting project if money not a primary concern and a learning curve.
Anyhow best of luck whatever you decide to do and every picture tells a story which could be interesting. 🤠
Post 42 for me wobert am afraid which is not want you want to hear I know but if it needs to be done for whatever reasons so be it and maybe you will get pleasure from doing and a interesting project if money not a primary concern and a learning curve.
Anyhow best of luck whatever you decide to do and every picture tells a story which could be interesting. 🤠
Thank you @Cwab
Why didn't Leepip address me directly with his "thoughts" rather than just dismiss me as "This Guy ..." ? I'm asking questions because I haven't been introduced to fishing by a knowledgeable relative or friend. It's a steep learning curve !
You better ask him why he addressed you like that. I`m still waiting on actual questions and of course pictures.
Yeah OK OK - I'll get around to some pics. As to more questions; they'll come if I can't decide between a narrowed-down list of reel/s!
More questions?????? 50 posts over 3 pages and I don`t remember a single question just asked for thoughts. You got the thoughts from the rods being poor quality, being OK to practise rod building to you being on a wind up. You didn`t seem to like any of the thoughts and thought we were unfriendly and as bad as WSF members. Not sure what you expected, some cuddles maybe. Grow a pair, ask your questions or ask for the thread to be deleted, simples.
Yeah OK OK - I'll get around to some pics. As to more questions; they'll come if I can't decide between a narrowed-down list of reel/s!
Good stuff, it would help if you had a glamorous and scantily clad female assistant to model them please?👍
More questions?????? 50 posts over 3 pages and I don`t remember a single question just asked for thoughts. You got the thoughts from the rods being poor quality, being OK to practise rod building to you being on a wind up. You didn`t seem to like any of the thoughts and thought we were unfriendly and as bad as WSF members. Not sure what you expected, some cuddles maybe. Grow a pair, ask your questions or ask for the thread to be deleted, simples.
I think I will just do that @stan m cos I'm not comfortable here (despite yours and others previous helpful posts). Bo**uks - Bye - slack lines
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I think I will just do that @stan m cos I'm not comfortable here (despite yours and others previous helpful posts) Bye - slack lines

Aw diddums, need a thicker skin than that to be on here, we all get the pissed ripped out of us, regular. I don`t remember any of the members having to run for there safe space. More likely that there are no rods as described, hence no photos. I`ve photographed rods for 50 plus years, takes around 5 mins.
To repeat @stan m "See what I mean!". Here's a bl**dy picture. Thanks - not. I don't like it here so this is deffo goodbye


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Okeydokey, so there never were any rods. Tattie bye bye sweetiepoo:)
See what I mean - take another look @stan m. May I just say that there are some folk here who are up their own .... you know what -sweetiepoo :ROFLMAO:
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