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South West Bait night ?

John Mitchell

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
So I had a night with bait , I bought some rag yesterday by the evening it was crap, so it must have been left from the week end , he said it came in on Tuesday ?,
I had 2 light rods with 2 hook rigs ,
I had to wait until dusk as other water users were around , and 1st cast produced this nice little bream 1st time I have caught one at this mark but ideal for my spieces hunt .
Then the bass and pout came on the feed , these worms were shit now . 4F33F92A-F449-46C3-82E7-B388B97EA870.jpeg
I packed up at 10pm a nice evening on the bait , and only a 15 minute drive home
Nice one John! Ben out too? I think I can guess where you were but my lips are sealed! ??????
So I had a night with bait , I bought some rag yesterday by the evening it was crap, so it must have been left from the week end , he said it came in on Tuesday ?,
I had 2 light rods with 2 hook rigs ,
I had to wait until dusk as other water users were around , and 1st cast produced this nice little bream 1st time I have caught one at this mark but ideal for my spieces hunt .
View attachment 31356
Then the bass and pout came on the feed , these worms were shit now . View attachment 31357
I packed up at 10pm a nice evening on the bait , and only a 15 minute drive home
Looks like that Pout had a "Mega Shite"