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Advice Flask cleaning

Mr Fish

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
North Devon
Favourite Fishing
Hi guys, I’ve got an old Coleman metal flask which I like as it’s sturdy and has good capacity.
But mainly because I can’t break it, as I always do with the glass ones.

The problem is there’s a real residue of coffee staining and sludge on it now, inside, that doesn’t give the coffee the best taste.
Now, I know a day or two soaking with diluted bleach would zap it clean, but the problem with that (I’ve found from experience) is I’ll probably be able to taste bleach for the next several trips. :(
I’m not worried about it being harmful in that quantity, but bleached coffee isn’t my first choice of drink!

Any alternative suggestions for a cleaning agent? Baking soda maybe? I’ve never used the stuff but heard it can clean?
Many thanks folks. None of those products I’ve ever bought, lol, but I assume things like steradent would be on the shelf in supermarkets
as said above, Steradent tablets. I`ve got about three tubes at any time as I put older rod guides into them to clean them up, works a treat.
What do you do with them Stan, just dissolve in water?
I always used to use Soda Bicarb for my old work flask, but as others have said, Steradent and some of the other suggestions should work. Used to put in about 2 tablespoons of Bicarb & fill to the brim with boiling water, and leave it overnight. Rinse thoroughly before use! We picked up a big bag of Bicarb in France, and it seemed to work much better than the UK stuff, but almost run out now!
This be the stuff I use on my stainless flask, bloody brilliant stuff, try local home brew shop or go online chap
If no homebrew shop, available on good old eBay for £5.48!

EDIT: Above price was for 100g, Also 400g for £8.90:
What do you do with them Stan, just dissolve in water?
Put 2 or 3 of the tabs into the flask then pour boiling (or almost boiling) water into the flask. Dont fill right up as the tabs will foam. Any supermarket will have them as well as any chemist, I get mine at the local corner shop. Dont screw the cap back on or you could have something akin to an IED