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Advice Lower stretch mono?

Found a spool of 65lb 8 strand in my cupboard. Will give that a go, nothing to lose really
I have 4 spools for my Shimanos.2 loaded with 30lb Braid and Mono Shockleader and 2 loaded with 65lb Power Pro Braid straight through,no probs on either.
Yes mate, fixed spool :)
I cast 7oz + a proper bait with 58lb j braid. Never had a crack off. But I believe the stated breaking strain is the minimum. When tested it generally breaks much higher.
Yeah, fine with leads up to 6oz.
Not sure I'd want to venture up to 6oz. 5oz maybe to allow a bit of leeway, and the weight of the Bait might need to be considered.
A big Mackerel bait could weigh in at 1oz, and maybe 2x that on a 2 hook rig.

I bought some 65Lb (I think) 8 strand braid to try straight through, but haven't put it on a spare spool yet.
I never go above 4oz weights with my Conti rods anyway.
Thanks mate :) sounds like 65 should be perfect to try.
You'll never go back.
Maybe take a glove with you incase you need to pull for a break. You can instead use your sleeve if gloves aren't available. But definitely have a plan and don't use bare skin or just pull rod/reel, things will get broken/cut.
You'll never go back.
Maybe take a glove with you incase you need to pull for a break. You can instead use your sleeve if gloves aren't available. But definitely have a plan and don't use bare skin or just pull rod/reel, things will get broken/cut.

I’m going to take a section of broom handle with me 👍
I’m going to take a section of broom handle with me 👍
I tend to avoid using anything hard. If it slips it'll damage the line. Then at some point it'll break near your rod and you'll be left wondering what happened. A glove or your sleeve is the best option 😉
you have to watch where you buy it as the European version is classed differently than UK spec in relation to breaking strain and diameter
.38mm 15lbs breaking strain.

It breaks at 17lbs at the leader knot. I’ve tested it several times.
I tend to avoid using anything hard. If it slips it'll damage the line. Then at some point it'll break near your rod and you'll be left wondering what happened. A glove or your sleeve is the best option 😉

Good point ! I might take a builders type glove with me instead then
And yet most shops are showing this, and also both cannot be right
I think the European ratings have to be more accurate. I’ve always wondered if the yanks rated their lines as wet knot strength. All I know is 15lb big game is a bastard to break when you’re snagged.
I think the European ratings have to be more accurate. I’ve always wondered if the yanks rated their lines as wet knot strength. All I know is 15lb big game is a bastard to break when you’re snagged.
Quite a few .35 lines are rated at 19lbs now whereas before they were 15lbs. Same line.
Quite a few .35 lines are rated at 19lbs now whereas before they were 15lbs. Same line.
yes I have always rated the 30lb big game as 0.55mm now they are saying 0.48mm, the same happened with sylcast many moons ago, in fact amnesia diameters have changed as well, it is now thinner for a given breaking strain

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