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Rod license

fishing hobbit

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2022
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What's your thoughts on how to get a new one now.
Be harder for people who don't have internet or debit/credit cards.
I saw they aren’t going to be selling them down the post office anymore, good question. Get someone else to buy one on your behalf I suppose.
Take your chances like all of the Eastern European people do.
No understand
No English
It seems to work fine for them!!!
So to what’s good for the goose is good for the gander?
Take your chances like all of the Eastern European people do.
No understand
No English
It seems to work fine for them!!!
So to what’s good for the goose is good for the gander?

My bro got caught using 4 rods instead of 3….. was taken to court and fined £1500…..
Think i’ll stick to buying one each year…. If people decide not to get one, they are just as bad as everyone else in my opinion.
My bro got caught using 4 rods instead of 3….. was taken to court and fined £1500…..
Think i’ll stick to buying one each year…. If people decide not to get one, they are just as bad as everyone else in my opinion.

Agreed, they prosecute everybody , whatever nationality, and the money from the fines is reinvested into our sport :-

After the hearing Environment Agency officer Kye Jerrom said:

It’s a crime to fish without a valid licence and offenders could be fined up to £2,500, have their fishing equipment seized and be banned from fishing. Our enforcement officers inspect rod licences throughout East Anglia and could turn up at any time.
All income from rod licence sales is invested directly back into maintaining and improving fisheries. Those who fish without a rod licence are having a direct effect on that work and are selling other anglers short. At £30 for a 2 rod coarse and non-migratory trout license, or £82 to also fish for salmon and sea trout, and short term options available too, the rod licence is great value for money”.
No internet, no debit card?
Sorry, get with the times.
I’ve been checked twice in 20+ yrs, but always get my 3 rod licence every year. The one time I was checked, I was told I would be prosecuted for using 3 rods (I had a 2 rod licence at the time) I denied it and the EA bailiff told me he had photographic evidence - then he pointed at my spod rod and said that the spod rod was the one that he had seen me using! I got a letter from the EA with notice of intended prosecution, I wrote back stating that I had a 2 rod licence and was fishing two rods at the time and that the 3rd rod I had been photographed casting out was in fact my spod rod, they wrote back dropping the prosecution, but warning me to be more careful next time! I wrote back telling them they needed to train their bailiffs better and stop threatening school children who had done nothing wrong, they never replied!

Second time I ran into that bailiff 15yrs later, he checked my licence, we had a little chat, I told him about that incident years before, although he didn’t remember it, he did say that he was brand new back then and apologised! Alls well that ends well. He had two police officers with him checking the licences, it was a rough old park lake!
What's your thoughts on how to get a new one now.
Be harder for people who don't have internet or debit/credit cards.
Go to a local library and use their tinternet, debit cards you really need to get one.
Agreed, they prosecute everybody , whatever nationality, and the money from the fines is reinvested into our sport :-

After the hearing Environment Agency officer Kye Jerrom said:
I get an email reminder when my fresh water license is due, so no excuse not to renew. Only £20 squids (2 rods) for us retired folks.
I never had one for years, but then started fly fishing our Co reservoirs and the MD was a twat who would sack anyone for anything even not connected with work, so started to buy one from then.
Its not worth the hassle of getting caught.

I bet some pay more for bait on a day than you pay for an annual licence.
Never had a licence, never needed one. Other than one Carp fishing expedition on a private water for a Stag weekend, never fish fresh water.
My friend works for EA he said he hates going out checking tickets due to the amount of grief he gets, theres something like only 2 of them covering in the region of a radius of 60 miles from our area and they cant go alone. it comes to something when they have to wear stab proof vests to check someones ticket. The Cub that i am in and bailiff for checks club members rod license aswell as club ticket, we cant do anything apart from remove them from the water, I dont usually bother asking for rod license just club card as i dont think its my problem.
Private water or not you still require a rod license but chances of getting caught are slim.
The mate whose Stag weekend I was on, (sadly now RIP) was a prolific Carp angler and used to run a big Tackle shop in Staines. He arranged the weekend, I didn't have any gear (was only there for the Beer!) but used his occasionally over the weekend.
It was a private lake, and no mention was made of needing a licence. I see the point of having a licence for River, Canal, and similar, but if you're fishing on a Lake owned by a private person, I don't see the need? Anyway, that was about 30 years ago!

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